About Us
The beginning in Düsseldorf
Even as a student there was always this lingering lust and ambition for business for Roman. Many law students or graduates start their PhD before actually working. Many go into teaching and stay within the academic environment (…and regret it after 200 years of wasting their time + increasing their debt). Also many go into becoming prosecutors, judges. For Roman, there was always only business, corporate, big names, big deals, and, most importantly, not becoming the same boring, absolutely dead inside character of an attorney.
When he started his career, he started in the beautiful capitol of North Rhine-Westphalia, Düsseldorf. After finishing the extremely not efficient law studies, followed by somewhat efficient legal clerkship (in Tokyo and Osaka, great experience), he decided he wants to go international because why only Germany when the whole world could benefit from this new approach of counsel and advice?
Starting as an employee in a midsize inter-disciplinary office (legal, tax, accounting), the focus quickly got into the Japan Desk, catering to Japanese clients from A to Z.
The new chapter in Berlin
Pure domination – that is what we could call the beginning of this chapter. Düsseldorf + being an employee got boring. No new challenges = get out there, fast. A bit of re-adjusting, organizing and the new challenge in esports appeared. While being in esports and pioneering there, the connection to Japan always stayed. Berlin, now the new stronghold for Koudous Law, proved to be the best decision. The environment of advisors catering to the Japanese niche market in Düsseldorf is an established one (with mostly inefficient low quality lawyers and advisors overall milking their clients and burning their money) but certainly not the future. Whereas Berlin with Koudous Law is now the future, showing the market how it can and should be done and that new generation lawyer beats the old school rust.
Not only is Berlin the capital, it is also a city fitting best to our approach of “How to: Lawyer & Advise”. Berlin is fresh, diverse, open to new ideas and obviously very internationally shaped.
Our Global Mission
There has always been this one question – why on earth is everybody just so inefficient? Accompanied by many additional questions. Why are lawyers (and advisors in general) dead inside? Why are they not funny? Why do they seem to not enjoy…anything? And also why, for the love of god, does nobody give the client clear advice?
“We can’t take any compliance risks” – Yes you can!! 99% business vs 1% compliance, guess who wins? Your business!
An attorney & advisor (regardless if big office or in-house) should never be the business stopper. Your advisor should be your best friend. The one the business owner goes to for help to make things possible. But somehow, things have developed into quite the opposite.
- Born 1990 in Kabul, moved to Germany in 1993
- Grew up in Bad Harzburg (near Braunschweig and Hannover)
- Graduation High School in 2010
- Studied law at University of Leipzig 2010 – 2015
- Legal clerkship 2015 – 2017
- Admission to the German bar in 2017
Some business facts about me:
- Owner of Koudous International Law Office (located in Berlin and Tokyo)
- Founder of R · T Consulting Inc. (located in Tokyo)
- Chief Risk Management Officer for Quandoo GmbH, Berlin
- General Counsel to many companies and clients
- Focus on elevating German-Japanese business
- Focus global esports advisory
- Legal Advisor for JETRO Berlin (Japanese External Trade Organization)
- Legal Advisor & Mentor for CROSSBIE (located in Berlin and Tokyo)
- Several board positions for 1. Stock companies (Tokyo)
- Native Japanese language skills (no one speaks as good as me)
- 7 languages overall